Monday, August 23, 2010


I'm going to rant, so please excuse the randomness of this post.I was irritated this morning at the office. This person's bag almost hit me and it was on purpose I was retrieving my mails at the mail box. Without warning and excuse this person just walked into where I was to get this person's mails,their mail box was just at the upper most of ours. I know I'm petite but hello didn't this person even saw me!and this person is not tall anyway. Good manners hello. I wanted to pull her hair but then again I need to control myself. But my mind was ranting.

A bit of back story.This person used to be my friend. But along the way, we just stopped talking to each other. I got tired of this person's bad attitude maybe because the feeling of friendship was never reciprocated. And really it shows how bad this person is because all friends of this person stayed away and everyone in our office witnessed how this person treated supervisors and managers. 

Oh well, I don't want to ruin my day. Perhaps,a prayer would do and ask God the grace that I will just forget about it and have the heart to forgive this person.

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