Monday, August 2, 2010

Random thoughts on a Monday + Early Bird Promo of Cebu Virtual Assistant Seminar

6:15am: Woke up not feeling so well,  but I need to force myself to get out of bed to work.
1pm:Had a whole afternoon orientation of our company's code of conduct. 
6pm: Had dinner with a very good friend of mine,Lucy whom I have not seen in ages. I so miss her.We had a lot of catching up.
10pm: Went home. By this time I was already sneezing.Colds got me . Pop 2 Cecon (vitamin C) to prevent myself from the possible flu.

I hope I will be well tomorrow.

Oh, by the way don't forget to avail of the EARLY BIRD Promo of the Virtual Assistant Seminar if you want to know more about Working from home click here for details

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