Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rich God Poor God by Chinkee Tan

I just finished reading the book of Chinkee Tan, Rich God Poor God. He actually gave a talk at our office last Saturday, paid by our company. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend. Okay, about the book what did I learn? There are a lot really, I even took down notes so as not to forget and re-read them again. But one thing that struck me was the the simple and yet powerful revelation found in this book about tithing.A conversation between the author and a Christian businessman.
" Do you believe God owns everything? Do you pray to God for blessings?  Do you believe that it is God who give you the ability to produce wealth? Do you believe that God is your partner in your profession or your business? If you have a partner, once the profit ot hte income comes in, how do you split your income? fifty/fifty, right?. Don't you realize that God is a great partner? He never asks for fifty percent. He only asks for ten percent and we still can't return his share". 

Grab a copy of Chinkee Tan's books at your nearest bookstores.

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