Monday, July 18, 2011

Maitre Chocolatier

One afternoon, Lovely and I were craving for chocolates, so we headed to Maitre Chocolatier,a chocolate cafe located at the corner of the Terraces,Ayala across Belo clinic.

 Chocolates in baskets and bouquets

 Dishes and chocolates as desserts!

Lovely had Virtuous Temptation.
Virtuous  Temptation
the other side

And I had Immortal Desire+ cappuccino. It tastes sinfully good.

Immortal Desire

 the other side.

The ambiance is relaxing, a place for catching up with friends or simply giving in to your chocolate cravings.


Maitre Chocolatier
ground floor,Terraces Ayala
Phone#: +63 (032) 2387116

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