Saturday, November 20, 2010

New necklaces made

The past few days, I was busy making these.

Rose quartz/pink stone in gold wire
Closer look

Acrylic white beads with blue stone as pendant.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pearl Bracelet

Lately, I have been making rosary inspired necklaces and bracelet. A hobby I want to develop, although still an amateur. I will enroll and or will attend a seminar on jewelry making once I will have the funds.

For today, I made a pearl bracelet and happy to let you know it was appreciated and was bought by my good friend.

Materials I used: faux pearl off-white, gold wire.

I'm thinking of a pearl rosary inspired necklace, it would be lovely.What do you think?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Light sapphire rosary inspired necklace

Still on beads/jewelry making, today I used light sapphire crystals and a gold wire for the rosary style chain.

My finished product.

Still need to practice making the rosary style chain. 
Learning/s: Should be careful making a loop with the gold wire.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rosary inspired necklace

I was inspired to make a rosary inspired necklace. I chose the burgundy crystals and antique gold wire.

My finished product.

Took me me 2 hours to make the rosary style chain, and I still need a lot of practice to make it perfect.

I'll make another one using light sapphire and gold wire for the chain.